(Double?!) Blogger Recognition Award

Once upon a time, I took a mini-vacation from work, blogging, writing, life, etc. by traversing into the Adirondacks for a few days. Blogger awards must be in the air this spring, because while on hiatus, I received two nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award (right after my Liebster Award nominations just two weeks ago). Wow!

Thank you to both Mystery Date with a Book and (Over)Analysing Literature! You both rock!

Blogger Recognition Award Image

What is this Blogger Recognition Award, Anyway?

Very similar to the Liebster Award, the Blogger Recongition Award resembles those email chain messages from long ago. Unlike its email counterparts, though, this award serves a purpose: it promotes blogs (and therefore helps readers discover them). We writers need to stick together! 🙂

The rules are as follows:

  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to

Origin Story

Spoiler alert: I’m a writer. I started blogging because I wanted motivation to write more regularly. I gave myself a biweekly deadline, and though I haven’t met it every time, this blog has definitely helped me produce more material.

Another reason: I’m primarily a fiction writer. That said, I wanted to explore my boundaries and try my hand at nonfiction bits, too — and nearly every post here has been expository. Woohoo! 🙂


Just write.

It’s the toughest advice, but it’s also the easiest. Anyone can do it. Write on a napkin, in a notebook, on a computer, on your phone’s notepad. Write as often as you can. It doesn’t matter if no one ever sees it; I have flash drives full of old, poorly-written material that I’ll never use. Those “bad” pieces helped me become a better writer. Nothing will make you a better writer than writing.


I chose the bloggers that I interact with the most, because if anyone is going to benefit from a somewhat silly award like this, I want it to be these folks. If you’re not interested and don’t do it, nothing bad will happen — I won’t curse you with five years of bad luck like those chain emails! 😉

I’ve nominated the following bloggers if, and only if, they are interested:

  1. https://thegirlwiththetreetattoo.com/
  2. https://bcballroomdancer.wordpress.com/
  3. https://danceworkhomeschoolrepeat.wordpress.com/
  4. https://nataliebarletta.wordpress.com/
  5. https://gauravchaplot.wordpress.com/
  6. https://babbitman.wordpress.com/
  7. https://katiepassionfruit.com/
  8. https://nikkispeaksfromtheheart.wordpress.com/
  9. https://milxntx.wordpress.com/
  10. https://grandadjumper.wordpress.com/
  11. https://theskateboardingblogg.wordpress.com/
  12. https://farmherkatie.wordpress.com/
  13. https://ofbooksandbailey.com/
  14. https://projectbiy.com/
  15. https://sckarakaltsas.wordpress.com/

Again, thanks so much to both of my nominators! This award is a great way to connect with other bloggers and create a community, in which we all help and support one another. Who doesn’t love that? 🙂

20 thoughts on “(Double?!) Blogger Recognition Award

  1. This was an interesting piece; I have never heard of these awards before (though I am new to blogging). I thought you offered some sound advice. Writing, no matter what eventually comes of it, is very beneficial. I, and I am sure many others, can relate to your collection of pieces that have never gone anywhere. Hopefully, it encourages new writers to know that it is okay to have pieces that sit in the “ug, nah” folder. 🙂


  2. One of my English teachers in high school gave me that piece of advice: just write, don’t think about it.

    My origin story: It came about after friends and family convinced me. I was hooked from day 1.


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